Senin, 17 April 2023

Sejarah Timnas Sepak Bola Malaysia

 Tim bal-balan nasional Malaysia (Basa Melayu: tim nasional bal-balan Malaysia) iku tim nasional sing makili Malaysia ing bal-balan internasional senior putra. Tim kasebut dikontrol dening Asosiasi Sepak Bola Malaysia, sing dadi anggota FIFA lan uga anggota Konfederasi Sepakbola Asia. Tim nasional iki diakoni dening FIFA minangka penerus tim bal-balan nasional Malaya. Jeneng resmi tim kasebut yaiku Harimau Malaya.

Taun-taun paling apik ing bal-balan Malaysia dumadi saka awal 1970-an nganti awal 1980-an, sing bebarengan karo Korea Selatan dadi saingan utama ing wilayah Asia Wétan.

Malaysia ora tau tampil ing Piala Donya FIFA. Malaysia wis tampil ing Olimpiade 1972. Senadyan wis lolos ing Olimpiade 1980, Malaysia banjur mundur miturut saran saka Amerika Serikat supaya boikot Olimpiade amarga invasi Uni Soviet ing Afghanistan. Ing tingkat regional Asia, Malaysia wis tampil ing telung edisi Piala Asia AFC, nanging ora tau lolos saka babak grup. Dheweke uga tampil ing Asian Games 1974 lan menang medali perunggu. Ing tataran Asia Tenggara, Malaysia bisa dadi juara AFF 2010.

Pelatih Timnas Malaysia Era Allan Harris

Ing Desember 2000, Allan Harris minangka jeneng gedhe nomer loro sing nglatih tim nasional Malaysia sawise pelatih Prancis Claude LeRoy. Harris teka kanthi mandat gedhe, dadi asisten Terry Venables ing FC Barcelona, ​​​​nanging ora suwe dheweke ngerti manawa akeh banget sing ditindakake. Harris mung duwe sumber daya sing winates lan umume pemain ora duwe pengalaman internasional. Dheweke uga dituntut tanggung jawab ngatur timnas U-23.

Nalika dheweke mimpin Malaysia menyang medali perunggu ing SEA Games, dheweke dikritik dening sawetara pers lokal amarga kurang prestasi. Sanajan sumber daya sing winates lan ing tekanan, Harris isih bisa nindakake tugas kanthi bener. Tugas paling anyar yaiku nalika timnya kalah 4-0 saka China ing babak pra-kualifikasi Piala Donya FIFA. Kontraké ora dianyarake nalika kadaluwarsa ing taun 2004.

Nalika pungkasanipun ninggalke jabatane, Harris menehi komentar pungkasan marang pers lokal yen dheweke angel nindakake tugas sing apik nalika "pemain ora ngerti sepatu sing bakal dipakai ing pengadilan".

Perkembangan Timnas Sepak Bola Malaysia

Tim nasional Malaysia pungkasan dilatih dening Norizan Bakar, sing sadurunge dadi pelatih Penang. Sanajan FAM wis nyoba nggawa tim kelas dhuwur, kayata Manchester United lan Brazil, kapentingan umum ing timnas umume tetep kurang.

Tim nasional Malaysia tekan semifinal ing pementasan Kejuaraan AFF 2007, kalah karo Singapura kanthi adu penalti sawisé imbang 2-2 sawisé perpanjangan wektu.

Bakar banjur dipecat sawisé Malaysia kalah banget ing Piala Asia 2007, 1-5 marang RRC lan 0-5 marang Uzbekistan.

Sejarah Timnas Indonesia

Tim nasional bal-balan Indonésia ya iku tim nasional kang makili Indonésia ing bal-balan internasional senior putra. Tim iki dikuwasani déning Persatuan Sepak Bola Indonésia (PSSI), sing dadi anggota FIFA lan uga anggota AFC. Tim iki dianggep FIFA minangka penerus Hindia Walanda.

Indonesia wis tampil ing Piala Dunia FIFA, yaiku ing taun 1938 nalika dijenengi Hindia Walanda. Dheweke kalah ing pertandhingan pisanan nglawan Hungaria. Ing tingkat provincial, Indonesia wis ping papat ing Piala Asia. Nanging, Indonesia durung nate maju saka babak grup. Ing tingkat Asia Tenggara, Indonesia wis tampil ing macem edisi Kejuaraan AFF, kanthi prestasi withering apik yaiku juara nomer loro ing enem edisi.

Sejarah Awal Periode Timnas Indonesia

Ing pertandhingan awal, sing nglibatake pihak saka Hindia Walanda, diatur dening Nederlandsch-Indische Voetbal Bond (NIVB), utawa peneruse, Nederlandsch-Indische Voetbal Unie (NIVU). Pertandhingan sing dianakaké sadurungé kamardikan Indonésia taun 1945 ora diakoni déning PSSI.

Pertandhingan bal-balan pisanan sing direkam nglibatake tim saka Hindia Walanda yaiku kontes nglawan Singapura tanggal 28 Maret 1921. Pertandhingan kasebut ditindakake ing Jakarta lan Indonesia menang kanthi skor akhir 1-0. Iki diterusake karo pertandhingan nglawan XI Australia ing Agustus 1928 (menang 2-1) lan tim saka Shanghai rong taun sabanjure (imbang 4-4).

Ing taun 1934, tim saka Jawa makili Hindia Walanda ing Olimpiade Timur Jauh sing dimainake ing Manila, Filipina. Sawisé ngalahaké Jepang 7-1 ing pertandhingan kapisan, rong pertandhingan sabanjuré rampung kanthi kekalahan 0-2 saka China lan 2-3 saka tim tuan rumah sing nglebokaké timnas Jawa ing urutan nomer loro. Sanajan ora diakoni dening PSSI, pertandhingan iki diakoni dening World Football Elo Evaluations minangka pertandhingan pisanan sing nglibatake tim nasional Indonesia.

Timnas Indonesia Bermain di Piala Dunia FIFA 1938

Indonesia ing taun 1938 (nalika jaman kolonial Walanda) wis lolos lan melu ing Piala Dunia FIFA 1938. Nalika iku tim Indonesia kanthi jeneng Hindia Belanda (Hindia Belanda), peserta saka Asia sing pisanan lolos menyang Piala Dunia. . Indonesia katon makili zona Asia ing kualifikasi grup 12. Grup kualifikasi Asia kanggo Piala Donya FIFA 1938 mung dumadi saka rong negara, Hindia Walanda lan Jepang. Indonesia pungkasane lolos menyang last Piala Dunia 1938 tanpa kudu nyepak bal sawise Jepang mundur saka babak kualifikasi amarga perang karo China.

Wektu kuwi, tim iki nganggo seragam oranye lan celana putih kaya warna seragam sing dianggo tim Walanda.

Pertandingan Timnas Indonesia melawan Hongaria 1938

Ing tanggal 5 Juni 1938, sejarah nyathet pembantaian tim Hongaria nglawan Hindia Walanda. Dheweke principal ing Stadion Velodrome Municipale, Reims, Prancis. Kira 10.000 penonton padha teka kanggo nonton pertandingan iki. Sadurunge lomba, para pemain ngrungokake lagu kebangsaane dhewe. Pasukan Hindia Belanda mirengake lagu kabangsan Walanda Het Wilhelmus. Amarga bedane dhuwur, walikota Reims kandha, "Aku weruh 22 atlet Hungaria diubengi dening 11 kurcaci."

Menit kaping 13, gawang Mo Heng kaguncang déning tendangan striker Hungaria Vilmos Kohut. Banjur udan gol dumadi ing menit 15, 28 lan 35. Babak pisanan rampung 4-0. Nasib tim Hindia Walanda rampung ing babak kapindho, kanthi skor pungkasan 0-6. Wektu iku, Piala Dunia nganggo sistem kalah mati.

Koran Domestik, Sin Po, menehi apresiasi marang penerbitan edisi 7 Juni 1938 kanthi nampilake judhul: "Indonesia-Hongaria 0-6, Kalah Sasoedahnja Kasi Running Obstruction"

Siapakah Penemu Permainan Sepak Bola? Berikut Sejarahnya

Penemuan game bal-balan

Ana sawetara panemu babagan asal-usul game bal-balan. Sawetara panemu ngandhakake yen bal-balan asale saka Inggris. Nanging, ana uga sing ujar manawa game iki asale saka negara liya.

Ana sawetara fakta sing nerangake yen bal-balan wis ana wiwit jaman biyen. Sawetara artefak nuduhake yen bal-balan wis dimainake wiwit jaman Maya kuno, Mesir kuno, China kuno lan Romawi.

Nanging nganti saiki wong pancen ngerti Inggris minangka negara sing nggawe bal-balan. Iki amarga Inggris ngenalake sawetara aturan sing bakal ditrapake ing olah raga bal-balan utawa tepate ing taun 1863. Amarga, ing wiwitan game bal kasebut ora teratur saengga katon semrawut. Nganti sawijining dina, Ebenezer Morley duwe inisiatif kanggo mbentuk asosiasi bal-balan resmi. Ing tanggal 26 Oktober 1863 ana rapat sing dirawuhi 12 wakil klub bal-balan ing Freemason Bar. Saka asil rapat kasebut, asosiasi bal-balan pisanan ing donya dibentuk, yaiku The Football Affiliation (FA).

Kanthi kasunyatan kasebut, Morley ora bisa diarani minangka wong sing nggawe bal-balan, nanging dheweke diarani bapak bal-balan.

Dolanan bal-balan wis dimainaké déning sawetara negara kayata China, Mesir lan Italia sing nalika iku bal digawé saka material ing taun 2500 SM ing Mesir. Bal sing digunakake banjur ditambahake karo kulit utawa usus supaya nduweni daya mumbul sing luwih dhuwur. Wektu iku dolanan bal-balan ora nganggo aturan lan katon ruwet. Dolanan bal-balan wiwit mlebu ing Inggris watara abad kaping 14. Bal-balan banjur dadi olahraga sing misuwur banget ing kana.

Ing taun 1860, aturan game digawe kanggo ngindhari kerusuhan sing asring kedadeyan ing pertandhingan. Ing taun 1863, sawetara klub sing mbukak 12 tim ing London sarujuk kanggo ketemu lan setuju aturan game bal-balan. Saka patemon iki, muncul asosiasi bal-balan ing Inggris, yaiku The Football Affiliation (FA). Wiwit saka 12 tim kasebut, aturan bal-balan nyebar menyang negara Eropa liyane kayata Walanda, Prancis, Spanyol lan Swedia. Suwe, pranyata akeh ing saindenging jagad seneng fundamental olahraga iki. Mula, asosiasi muncul saka sawetara negara lan mbentuk badan organisasi bal-balan skala internasional kanthi jeneng FIFA (Organization Internationale de Football Affiliation). FIFA kang kawangun tanggal 21 Mèi 1904 ing Paris, Prancis, tetep lestari lan eksis nganti saiki.

Sejarah Piala Dunia [FIFA WORLD CUP]

Sejarah Piala Dunia [FIFA WORLD CUP]

Piala Donya FIFA (Inggris: FIFA World Cup) utawa asring mung Piala Donya, iku kompetisi bal-balan asosiasi internasional sing ditandingi tim nasional senior putra anggota Federasi Sepak Bola Internasional (Fédération Internationale de Football Affiliation, FIFA), donya. pengurus sepak bola.. Kejuaraan iki dianakaké saben patang taun wiwit turnamen 1930, kajaba ing taun 1942 lan 1946, sing ora dianakaké amarga Perang Donya II. Juara Piala Dunia sing saiki dadi juara yaiku Argentina, sing menang turnamen 2022 ing Qatar.

Design turnamen kasebut kalebu babak kualifikasi, sing ditindakake kira telung taun sadurunge last diwiwiti, kanggo nemtokake tim sing maju menyang last. Ing last, absolute 32 tim saingan kanggo judhul ing setting ing negara tuan rumah watara sasi. Negara tuan rumah kanthi otomatis maju menyang babak grup ing last. Piala Donya FIFA dijadwalake ditambah dadi 48 tim wiwit edisi 2026.

Nganti Piala Donya FIFA 2022, 22 turnamen wis dianakake lan absolute 80 tim nasional wis melu. Piala kasebut wis dimenangake dening wolung tim nasional. Brasil, kanthi limang gelar, minangka siji-sijine tim sing principal ing saben edisi turnamen kasebut. Pemenang Piala Donya liyane yaiku Jerman lan Italia, kanthi papat gelar saben; Argentina, kanthi telung gelar; Prancis lan Uruguay, saben gelar loro; lan Inggris lan Spanyol, saben siji judhul.

Piala Donya minangka turnamen bal-balan withering bergengsi ing donya, uga minangka acara olahraga tunggal sing withering ditonton lan melu ing donya. Nonton Piala Dunia 2018 kira 3,57 milyar (cedhak setengah saka populasi worldwide), dene keterlibatan karo Piala Dunia 2022 kira udakara 5 milyar, kanthi meh 1,5 milyar wong nonton last.

Tujuh welas negara wis dadi tuan rumah Piala Dunia, withering anyar Qatar, sing dadi tuan rumah edisi 2022. Edisi 2026 bakal dadi tuan rumah bebarengan karo Kanada, Amerika Serikat lan Meksiko, sing bakal mbedakake Meksiko minangka negara pisanan sing dadi tuan rumah telu. edisi Piala Dunia. Donya.

Sejarah Liga Champions OFC

Sejarah Liga Champions OFC

OFC Champions Association history

The OFC Champions Association is Oceania's chief club football contest. Otherwise called the O-Association. The OFC Champions Association began its debut season in 2007 and which supplanted the Oceania Club Title.

The Australian group won every one of the four rivalries held before Australia's move from the OFC in 2006; From that point onward, groups from New Zealand won reliably, until 2010 when PRK Hekari Joined Papua New Guinea beat New Zealand Waitakere Joined in the last

Oceania club title

New manifestations of the competition, basically from 1999 forward, have been coordinated by the Oceania Football Confederation to decide Oceania's portrayal in the FIFA Club World Cup (previously called the world club title), in spite of the fact that Wollongong Wolves don't partake in the club big showdowns because of the retraction of specific competitions.

The 2006 competition was held in New Zealand and won by Auckland City FC; qualifying competitions were held beforehand in Fiji which included public top dog clubs in nations that were moderately powerless in football. As of late there has been a call for New Zealand based A-association establishment Wellington Phoenix to join the opposition.

It has been suggested that the Oceania champions wouldn't enter straightforwardly into the primary draw of the 2006 Club Big showdown, rather beating an early take out match against the home bosses to enter the fundamental draw of the competition [permanent connect disabled]. Anyway FIFA President, Sepp Blatter didn't get the important help for the new organization and thus guarded Oceania's entrance into the 2006 Club Big showdown. Nonetheless, in Walk 2007, the FIFA Leader Board of trustees presented a Season finisher capability between the 2007 OFC Champions Association Champions and the host country. 2007 J.League champion.

Sejarah Copa Libertadores

Sejarah Copa Libertadores

The CONCACAF Champions Association is a yearly worldwide club football title for groups in the CONCACAF district (North America, Focal America and the Caribbean). The victor of the CONCACAF Champions Association is qualified to enter the FIFA Club World Cup.

Until 2008, the high level contest for CONCACAF clubs was the CONCACAF Champions Cup. Competitions have been played in different configurations throughout the long term. In 2008, CONCACAF reported an adjustment of name and organization, welcoming 24 groups to take part in a starter round, bunch stage, and knockout competition called the CONCACAF Champions Association.

Between 2008-09 and 2011-12, the competition was played as a 24 group competition with a primer round, trailed by a sixteen-group bunch stage (four gatherings of four), trailed by an eight-part bunch. single end away competition. In mid 2012, CONCACAF reported another configuration for the 2012-2013 CONCACAF Champions Association. Under the new configuration, the starter rounds will be killed, and bunch play will comprise of eight gatherings of three groups each, with the champ of each gathering progressing to the quarter-finals.

CONCACAF Champions Association design

There will be a two-legged Starter Stage for the 16 clubs, with the eight champs progressing to the Gathering Stage. The other eight groups (two from the US, two from Mexico, and one each from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) will be cultivated straightforwardly into the gathering stage. The Fundamental Stage champ and cultivated club will play in the Gathering Stage in four gatherings of four, with each group playing the others in its gathering two times, either at home or away. The best two groups from each gathering will meet all requirements for the Title Stage, which will comprise of home and away disposals. The Last Round, toward the finish of April, will likewise be two-legged, home-and-away. Dissimilar to the Bosses Cup, the away objectives rule will be utilized in the Heroes Association, however won't make a difference after the game has finished in additional time.

Sejarah Liga Champions CONCACAF

 Sejarah Liga Champions CONCACAF

History of the CONCACAF Champions Association

The CONCACAF Champions Association is a yearly worldwide club football title for groups in the CONCACAF district (North America, Focal America and the Caribbean). The victor of the CONCACAF Champions Association is qualified to enter the FIFA Club World Cup.

Until 2008, the high level contest for CONCACAF clubs was the CONCACAF Champions Cup. Competitions have been played in different configurations throughout the long term. In 2008, CONCACAF reported an adjustment of name and organization, welcoming 24 groups to take part in a starter round, bunch stage, and knockout competition called the CONCACAF Champions Association.

Between 2008-09 and 2011-12, the competition was played as a 24 group competition with a primer round, trailed by a sixteen-group bunch stage (four gatherings of four), trailed by an eight-part bunch. single end away competition. In mid 2012, CONCACAF reported another configuration for the 2012-2013 CONCACAF Champions Association. Under the new configuration, the starter rounds will be killed, and bunch play will comprise of eight gatherings of three groups each, with the champ of each gathering progressing to the quarter-finals.

CONCACAF Champions Association design

There will be a two-legged Starter Stage for the 16 clubs, with the eight champs progressing to the Gathering Stage. The other eight groups (two from the US, two from Mexico, and one each from Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras) will be cultivated straightforwardly into the gathering stage. The Fundamental Stage champ and cultivated club will play in the Gathering Stage in four gatherings of four, with each group playing the others in its gathering two times, either at home or away. The best two groups from each gathering will meet all requirements for the Title Stage, which will comprise of home and away disposals. The Last Round, toward the finish of April, will likewise be two-legged, home-and-away. Dissimilar to the Bosses Cup, the away objectives rule will be utilized in the Heroes Association, however won't make a difference after the game has finished in additional time.

Sjarah Liga Champions Afrika [CAF]

Sjarah Liga Champions Afrika

The CAF Champions Association (English: CAF Champions Association) is a global club football title between the association and cup victors of Africa's main 10 associations. This competition initially began in 1964.

Awal Mula Liga Champions Asia

Sejarah Liga Champions Asia

The AFC Champions Association (contracted leg tendon, English: AFC Champions Association) or the Asian Heroes Association (LCA) is an Asian club football competition coordinated by the AFC.[1] This opposition is the most elevated level club rivalry in Asia over the AFC Cup. LCA is expected for top level nations in light of the AFC Club Rivalry Positioning.

Starting around 2009, the reigning champ of this opposition isn't straightforwardly qualified for take part in this competition the next year and should guarantee a spot in this competition through a public contest. 2008 bosses, Gamba Osaka,[2] and 2009 heroes, Pohang Steelers,[3] both figured out how to enter the competition the next year through public contests. In 2010, reigning champs Seongnam Ilhwa Chunma[4] turned into the primary club to win yet couldn't enter the competition the accompanying year.[5] Beginning from the 2021 season, the reigning champs can participate in the following season in the event that they are not chosen by means of the association course and enter the play-off round.

Al-Hilal is at present the best club in the Asian Bosses Association with 4 titles[6] . South Korean football association, K-Association is the best association in this competition with 12 titles.

1967-1972 : Asian Bosses Club Competition

At first named the Asian Top dog Club Competition, it began in 1967 with eight groups taking part however delegates from India and Iran pulled out making this opposition followed by 6 groups to be specific Bangkok Bank (Thailand), Hapoel Tel Aviv (Israel) , Korea Tungsten Organization (South Korea), Selangor (Malaysia), South China (Hong kong) and Vietnam Customs (South Vietnam), won by Hapoel Tel Aviv subsequent to beating Selagor 2-1 in the Last. The accompanying season was overwhelmed by Israeli groups and in 1972 the opposition was dropped as just 4 groups partook.

1985-2002 : Asian Club Title

The opposition was reestablished in 1985 after the last dropped 1972 season, under the name Asian Club Title. Followed by homegrown association champion groups from every country. In 1990 the AFC made an Asian Cup Victors' Cup contest for homegrown cup victors in every country as an ally to the Asian Club Title. The champs of the two competitions then met in the Asian Super Cup which started in 1995.

2002-present : AFC Champions Association

Beginning around 2002 the Asian Club Title and Asian Cup Victors' Cup have been converged into the AFC Champions Association which unites the homegrown association and cup victors of every country with the 16 groups in the gathering stage which likewise disposes of the Asian Super Cup rivalry. In 2004 the AFC made the AFC Cup contest as a second level Asian rivalry for groups unfit to partake in the LCA. In 2005 the AFC made the AFC President's Cup contest as a third-level Asian rivalry yet was stopped in 2015 after the expansion of AFC Cup members. The 2003/04 LCA season was dropped because of the SARS infection and the Iraq War. In 2009 the quantity of taking part LCA groups expanded to 32 groups, in 2021 to 40 groups.

Sejarah Liga Champions

Sejarah Liga Champions

Champions League history

The UEFA Champions League (abbreviated as UCL, English: UEFA Champions League) or the European Champions League (LCE), formerly known as the Champions Cup (European Cup), is a club football competition by UEFA and contested by clubs from Europe's highest league or division. This competition is one of the most prestigious tournaments in the world and the most prestigious club competition in European football, which is only contested by the national league champions (and also second place winners for several countries) from each of UEFA's member national associations. The UCL Final is the most watched event worldwide every year. The 2012–13 season finale was the most watched, with 360 million television viewers.Since 2015, the UCL Finals have been held on the first Saturday of June in odd years and the last Saturday of May in even years.

Introduced since 1992, this competition replaces the European Champions Cup or referred to as the European Cup, which has been rolling since 1955, by adding a group stage to the competition and allowing the entry of several clubs from certain countries.

Real Madrid is the most successful club in the competition's history, having won fourteen titles, including successive titles in the first five editions of the competition.

Real Madrid are the defending champions after beating Liverpool 1–0 in the 2022 final at the Stade de France, France.

This championship was first coined by a French sports magazine. Cup-shaped trophy nicknamed "The Big Ears" (Big Ears), and the first trophy is different from what is now contested (made by Stadellman). The cup being contested now is the 6th edition. Initially the championship was fought over a trophy called the European Champion Clubs Cup, which is usually shortened to the European Cup, and differs from the European Cup as it is known in Indonesia today which refers to the European Championship Cup. This championship began in the 1955/56 season using a two-legged knockout system, ie each team played two matches, one away and one at home, and the team with the highest average score advanced to the next round. Only teams in the league champions of each country, plus the champion holder at that time, the right to participate in this competition.

Prediksi Bola Liga Spanyol

 Prediksi Bola Liga Spanyol TerBaru

La Liga Spanyol merupakan liga sepak bola profesional tertinggi di Spanyol. Liga ini didirikan pada tahun 1929 dan terdiri dari 20 tim yang bersaing untuk menjadi juara Liga Spanyol setiap tahunnya. Liga ini dianggap sebagai salah satu liga sepak bola terbaik di dunia, dengan beberapa klub seperti Barcelona dan Real Madrid yang menjadi klub terkenal di seluruh dunia. Setiap musim, tim-tim yang kualifasikasi diturunkan ke Segunda Division, sementara tim-tim dari divisi tersebut dipromosikan ke La Liga Spanyol. Klub yang berhasil menjuarai Liga Spanyol berhak untuk berpartisipasi dalam kompetisi internasional seperti Liga Champions Eropa dan Liga Eropa.

Sejarah Dan Pengertiaan Sepak Bola

 Sejarah Dan Pengertiaan Tentang Sepak Bola

Sepak bola adalah olahraga yang dimainkan antara dua tim dengan tujuan mencetak gol ke gawang lawan. Setiap tim terdiri dari sebelas orang pemain, termasuk satu penjaga gawang. Olahraga ini dimainkan dengan menggunakan bola sepak. Sepak bola merupakan olahraga yang populer di seluruh dunia dan menjadi olahraga terpopuler di dunia dengan jumlah penggemar dan pemain yang sangat banyak. Olahraga ini diadakan dalam turnamen dan liga seperti Piala Dunia, Liga Champions, Liga Inggris, Liga Spanyol dan banyak lagi.

Sejarah Timnas Sepak Bola Malaysia

 Tim bal-balan nasional Malaysia (Basa Melayu: tim nasional bal-balan Malaysia) iku tim nasional sing makili Malaysia ing bal-balan internas...